DISCIPLINE IN SCHOOLS TODAY | what are the discipline problems in school


 Discipline means obedience to rules. It is a must for a student in school. Students cannot SI be taught in a chaotic class. Discipline is necessary in the classroom, corridor, playground and every place on the school premises. Discipline requires regularity in attendance, order in the prayer line, least noise in the class rooms and the strict following of the school routine. 

what are the discipline problems in school

Discipline also requires regular preparation of lessons, doing hometask and learning right behaviour. The seeds of discipline sown in the school flourishes in the later life. The greater is the discipline in school, the higher is the attainment of the students. 

Discipline must be maintained by both the teacher and the taught. Thus the school as a whole may progress in In absence of discipline school life loses its flavour and harmony and peace. purpose.

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