Read the passage below and make a Summary of it

 Read the passage below and make a Summary of it : Sir Humphry was now moving slowly towards the door , with Faraday following . He held out his hand to Michael , who pressed it warmly and expressed his thanks for having been granted an interview . ' Stay at your trade , ' said Davy kindly . ' I promise to send you all of my own books as well as those of the Institution . ' Sir Humphry opened the door and turned to Michael . Don't give up hope , Mr. Faraday , ' he concluded with a gentle smile . " The fact is that there is no opening for a laboratory assistant at the moment . But one can never tell . Something may turn up unexpectedly . And when it does , I'll certainly keep you in mind that is , if you still refuse to listen to reason and insist on not remaining an honest book - binder . ' Faraday flashed a grateful smile . There was a chance . Davy had left the door open - just a crack . But the crack was wide enough to let a ray of hope through . And that was all Faraday asked for I'll never change , ' were Faraday's parting words . ' I want to work in science above every - thing else , Sir Humphry . 


Answer : Sir Humphry advised Mr. Faraday to carry on his present job , and promised to send him some books . Davy told him that he could not appoint him because there was no post for him in his laboratory for the time being . But he gave him assurance that he would give him the job of a laboratory assistant in the event of a vacancy . Faraday went away with the hope of a job .

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