Briefly discuss the relationship between India and International Labour Standards

 Briefly discuss the relationship between India and International Labour Standards.

 Ans. India became the member of ILO in the year 1919, from its inception. Though India was not won independence by that year (i.e. 1919), it was admitted to the membership of the ILO. However, its membership of the League of Nations and the ILO had not gone unchallenged. It was argued that it would give an additional vote to the United Kingdom. Th British Government gave an assurance that British India was democratical. administered and upon this, India along with China, Iran, Japan and Thailand were few Asian countries to be admitted to the ILO membership of the 24 States. Out of 40 States represented, India was one which sent a full delegation to the first session of the International Labour Conference held in the year 1919 at Washington. It is to be mentioned here that the Indian delegation comprised of government representatives (Sir Atul Chatterjee, and Sir Louis Ker Sha), employers' delegate (Sir Alexander Murry) and working delegate (Sri. N. M. Joshi). Thus, Indian Membership of the League of Nations and the International Labour Organisation was indeed a first step in elevating the status of assemblies in the states in spite of being a British Colony. The ILO and India have common aims, goals and destiny for both of them are committed to world peace freedom and social justice.

relationship between India and International Labour Standards

Both are striving for the socio-economic betterment of the long suffering, long forgotten people, the people who are underprivileged and under nourished with the fullest realisation that any further delay would fatal for themselves and the whole world.

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