Essay on Students and Politics

 Students and Politics

Student-life is acknowledged as the best and most significant phase in a person's life. The kind and quality of life a student is going to enjoy in future depends a lot on the quality and nature of education he is getting to receive. Education forms his habits, his personality, his mental frame and his ambition.

Now, talking about politics, it is "the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power." And there is no denying in that, in a democratic form of government, it is politics that has to say the first and the last word. It shapes a country's destiny and ascertains what position the country will be enjoying amongst all the nations of the world.

An argument, obviously reasonable enough, is often put forth as to whether or not students should join active politics. This issue cannot be solved by a single answer and hence is highly debatable. The section of the people who reckon that students should not join politics, are of the opinion that student-mind is tender; adrenaline rush is quite high; students are impulsive; they lack scruples and wisdom so on and so forth.

Thus, a person, be it a student or a mature adult, who deals in politics has to have a very sharp cerebral faculty and power of rational and unbiased observation. He has to possess an eye that never lets escape subtle political decisions that are potentially conspicuous so far as decision making is concerned. He has to be calculative, thoughtful, theoretically strong and progressive. And there is no denying in that the lion's share of students, who don't enjoy rational, value based education, lack such conclusive qualities.

Now, talking about those who hold that students should join active politics, have to say that Students are the most potential citizens of a nation which is still building up and hence they have to have a decisive share in the political activities going on in the country. After all, whatever is being done, is for their future only. They hold that students are exposed to education and hence it may be expected that they can assess political situations rationally and offer their well thought-of opinions. Even, they can make good leaders of themselves, if nurtured properly. 

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